Friday 30 October 2009

Term Begins

Back to school for everyone on Monday 2nd November 2009

Wednesday 21 October 2009

End of term trick or TREAT

Class 3 enjoyed a lovely end to the term thanks to Ben's Mum who brought us all in homemade cakes. They were decorated with Halloween toys~ definitely a TREAT! Yum
A huge thank you to Ben's mum from all of us in class 3.

Monday 19 October 2009

Today we made claves with Rachel from the Forestry Commission. A big thank-you to Mrs Russell for helping us. We measured long pieces of wood, cut them into 20cm lengths and then made patterns with a potato peeler. Then we all played them. We hope Mrs Eggington doesn't make us play them for her.

Next we cut more wood in different lengths and tied them a hands length apart with string. We made sure the longest pieces were at the top, down to the smallest at the bottom. the smallest one kept falling off and had to be re-tied.

We made beautiful sounds ringing round the fields with our xylophones. The tallest person in each group held up the xylophones.

Rachel told us all about safety awareness. We all had to wear protective gloves when using the bow saw, and kept our hands out of the way when someone was sawing. Two people had to hold the end of the sticks to keep it steady, and we made sure when we weren't using the saw we laid it down with the teeth on the grass. We also needed to use the potato peelers away from ourselves so we didn't get cut.

When we all got together to play our instruments it was very loud, but peaceful when they were played one by one. We loved the sound of the xylophones. Some people had very light claves, and some had heavy ones so they made different sounds. We were surprised by the wood sounds but liked the tunes they made.

We found the morning great fun and a really good experience. It was really exciting. The sawing and peeling were great fun and it was a good chance to find out more about the forest. We would like to say a big thank-you to Rachel for coming in and helping us learn about the forest.


Class 6

Friday 16 October 2009

Year 4 Assembly

Year 4 are studying Africa and found out about a charity called 'Seeds for Africa'. They performed an excellent assembly about the difficulties of growing seeds and how we can help this project. The children performed to the whole school in the morning and then did a repeat performance to an audience of over 50 adults!!!! The adults were very impressed with the clear speaking, lovely singing and funny acting.

We look forward to seeing how many copper coins we can collect for this charity appeal.

Traditional Dance

Our after school club is on Tuesdays. We do all sorts of tradional dancing. We have just learned English Morris Dancing. We dance with bells and soft 'sticks'! It's amazing and magical and we dance until we drop!

By Jade

Lapathon Update!

As promised, here is the latest news on the school lapathon.

So far, your running has raised a whopping ...£500!! And there is still money coming in!

Not only that, we have also made history by breaking Coalways current Lapathon record! James, in year 6, managed a massive 55 laps in 1 hour! I expect we will be seeing him in the 2012 Olympic games!

Well done again to James and all the runners who took part!

Thursday 15 October 2009

Making a run for it!

On Monday, everyone in school took part in the schools annual 'Lapathon' to raise money. We saw some fantastic sprinting, running, jogging (and maybe a little bit of walking!)
Keep checking back to see the big successes for 2009 and to find out how much we raised. And while you are waiting, here are a few photographs and a film of the event!

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Aztec Chocolate!

Class 7 tasted Aztec drinking chocolate ... hasn't chocolate come a long way!

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Butterfly Heaven

Year 3 have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new arrivals! As part of their Forest Capers Theme, they have been studying Life Cycles and, thanks to Thomas B and his mum, they have had a great time watching their tiny (but very hungry) caterpillars grow and grow and grow. Around two weeks ago the first cocoons were spun and then they waited, anad waited and waited day there was a beautiful Painted Lady butterfly in the net! WOW!!!
So far we have released about 20 into the school conservation area - and they're still hatching!!!!
The bee and butterfly attracting plants seem to be a big hit!
They really are quite beautiful.

Moving to the next dimension!

Mrs.Moore's maths set have been investigating what happens when you join 2D shapes together. We have made some very interesting 3D shapes and written what we made them out of e.g a pyramid made out of three triangles.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Mission: Impossible?

Well done to all the children who took on the summer reading challenge. Their mission, should they choose to accept it, was to read 6... YES 6!!! books over the summer holidays! All the children here were successful in the challenge.

Impressive stuff! Congratulations to all of you!

Brilliant Blogging!

I just had to comment on how many people are now blogging on our site - fantastic!
Keep it up!

Best wishes.

Mrs. White

Super Singing School!

Today, Mrs Egginton took our singing service, but this time with a bit of a twist! All the members of staff joined in and we learnt songs about bottles of pop, rubbish bins and fish and chips! Put together we created this super sound!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Marvellous Maths

Year four children were today investigating 'Polygons'. The children really enjoyed the challenge of making a number of different polygons using the geoboards and elastic bands. The task was made a little more tricky when asked to work in pairs~ one child describing their shape for their partner to copy!! Well done everyone, you worked hard


Helping to raise funds!

A HUGE thank you to this group of children who decided to set up a 'business' selling freshly made lemonade and cakes to raise money for the school funds. These children managed to raise a staggering £50 from their mini-enterprise, what a tremendous achievement!

Friday 2 October 2009

Harvest celebration

What a lovely evening spent with the Coalway Junior School choir as they performed at Coleford Baptist Church. It was a wondeful harvest celebration with schools from the local area singing and the 'Open The Book' team performed the story of Jonah and the whale. The children were an absolute credit to the school and Mrs.Eggington, who lead the choir superbly.
Well done everyone from Mrs.Moore

House Captain Elections

Today, the whole school nominated their new House Captains... and here they are!

Well done to all year 6's, who put themselves forward for nomination - it was a very tense moment waiting to hear the names being announced and must have been really tricky to choose!

Thursday 1 October 2009

Designers in the making...

Class 5 today started their DT project of making Zoetropes - check out the pictures below. Keep checking back for the latest update on their masterpieces! Can you tell what it is yet??