Tuesday 13 October 2009

Moving to the next dimension!

Mrs.Moore's maths set have been investigating what happens when you join 2D shapes together. We have made some very interesting 3D shapes and written what we made them out of e.g a pyramid made out of three triangles.


JARRED.F said...

it wasso much fun doing the maths

Tania, Jack's mum said...

I cannot remember maths being this interesting and exciting when i was at school - looks like good fun - well done Mrs Moore's maths group

Jack H said...

Had great fun playing with the polygons. Really good stuff made by the class - really enjoyed it

Emily said...

I loved doing it great stuff.

ben said...

ben said

It was fun doing the 2d shapes me and lee did one together

Rhys W said...

I had lots of fun too

Becky.D said...

It was fun!!

Benj and ld said...

it was relly fun i want do it again

charlotte.g said...

me and chloe done a pyramid. it was so fun playing with the polygons they are realy good things.

Alanah.h said...

Playing with the pollygons was really
fun. lauren w was my partner she made
a really good shape.

Harrison Nash said...

I really liked doing the 3d shapes I hope we do it again.

Parent said...

Thank you Mrs.Moore for making maths so much fun for our children!