Tuesday 13 October 2009

Butterfly Heaven

Year 3 have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new arrivals! As part of their Forest Capers Theme, they have been studying Life Cycles and, thanks to Thomas B and his mum, they have had a great time watching their tiny (but very hungry) caterpillars grow and grow and grow. Around two weeks ago the first cocoons were spun and then they waited, anad waited and waited and....one day there was a beautiful Painted Lady butterfly in the net! WOW!!!
So far we have released about 20 into the school conservation area - and they're still hatching!!!!
The bee and butterfly attracting plants seem to be a big hit!
They really are quite beautiful.


Mrs Evans said...

Wow! What a fantastic way to learn about life cycles!

Mrs.Moore said...

What a lovely experience for the class!

charlotte.g said...

lovely i wish i was there

JARRED.F said...

wow butterflies

Emily said...

Fantastic lots of fun

Mrs Timmins said...

We are so lucky to see the caterpillars grow into beautiful butterflies.

Becky.D said...

I bet that was fun what a good topic!

Becky.D said...

good topic.

Amelia.S said...

I love nature.
And i love butterflies.

Gina said...

Butterflies Sooo Fabulous !

Emily.H said...

It looks like you looked after them very well and had lots of fun!!!

Chloe Class7 said...

Prettyyy Butterrfliieess
