Tuesday 6 October 2009

Marvellous Maths

Year four children were today investigating 'Polygons'. The children really enjoyed the challenge of making a number of different polygons using the geoboards and elastic bands. The task was made a little more tricky when asked to work in pairs~ one child describing their shape for their partner to copy!! Well done everyone, you worked hard



Tania Howe said...

Well done Class 3 - looks as if it was good fun

JARRED.F said...

Me and harri on there with our maths

Gina Class 7 said...

Looks and sounded like fun

Mrs. White said...

Fantastic Maths!
Well done everyone.

Tom J class 6 said...

I remember doing thoes i loved it!!

charlotte.g said...

this was very fun i realy liked this !!!

Emily said...

This was so much fun

Jack H said...

Me Rhys and Lee was able to make a whale shape from the elastic band and the geo board. It was good fun

Becky.D said...

i worked with Megan!

Lauren.W said...

I also enjoyed woking on this it was fun

Rhys W said...

i didnt like it ......... I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!