Tuesday 6 October 2009

Helping to raise funds!

A HUGE thank you to this group of children who decided to set up a 'business' selling freshly made lemonade and cakes to raise money for the school funds. These children managed to raise a staggering £50 from their mini-enterprise, what a tremendous achievement!


Mrs Dixon said...

What an enterprising bunch! Well done for raising such a huge amount of money for the school... shame I ddn't get to try one of your cupcakes though!

Gina Class 7 said...

well done to all of you and donating it to the school is amazing!

Mrs. White said...

Thank you to this lovely group of children for spending part of their weekend raising money for our school fund. £50 is an amazing amount of money - what a super achievement.

charlotte.g said...

well done that was realy nice for the school !!!

JARRED.F said...

weldon them children

Emily.H said...

Well done guys for raising some money for the school. Maybe I could have come along for some delicious sounding cakes and lemonade mmmmm!

Chloe Class7 said...

Go Millie Francessca frazer and the other 2 well done you did really well !!!
