Thursday 15 October 2009

Making a run for it!

On Monday, everyone in school took part in the schools annual 'Lapathon' to raise money. We saw some fantastic sprinting, running, jogging (and maybe a little bit of walking!)
Keep checking back to see the big successes for 2009 and to find out how much we raised. And while you are waiting, here are a few photographs and a film of the event!


Gina Class 7 said...

It was a amazing day i cant belive James did a wopping 55 laps around the field !!!

charlotte.g said...

it was a amazing day and we had goood whether

JARRED.F said...

it was really fun doing the lapathon

Rhys W said...

i liked it too i burned off calories cos i weigh 40 kg i did 14laps

Lauren.W said...

I loved doing the lapathan. It was really hot!

Emily.H said...

The Lapathon was fab to do I really enjoyed it.

Chloe Class7 said...

Fun Day Mazing
I Only Did 31 Laps Thats Hardly Any Compared To James