Friday 16 October 2009

Lapathon Update!

As promised, here is the latest news on the school lapathon.

So far, your running has raised a whopping ...£500!! And there is still money coming in!

Not only that, we have also made history by breaking Coalways current Lapathon record! James, in year 6, managed a massive 55 laps in 1 hour! I expect we will be seeing him in the 2012 Olympic games!

Well done again to James and all the runners who took part!


JARRED.F said...

weldone james i only did 29

Lauren.W said...

well done for breaking the school
record james you did much more than me.

Gina said...

Well Done James!!!

Miss Frowen said...

Well done James ~ I was just one lap behind you!! (Ha, ha)
Miss Frowen

Emily.H said...

Well done James keep up the good work.

charlotte.g said...

well done James good running

lee.d said...

good runing better than me

Anonymous said...

well done james

from harriette