Friday 31 January 2014

The Human Solar System

This afternoon Year 5 looked at our Solar System. They had a series of objects (some as small as a grain of sugar) and had to match the objects to the scaled down sizes of the planets in our Solar System. They then used trundle wheels to work out the distance between the planets from the sun (obviously to a smaller scale!). This helped them to understand just how enormous our universe really is!

Thursday 30 January 2014

Exploring Shapes

This week, in Year 3, we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have carried out all kinds of investigations to help us identify the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. As part of our work on 2D shapes we also investigated the number of lines of symmetry and identified right angles. We have also created our own 3D shapes using nets and used this knowledge to try and create our own nets.

Monday 27 January 2014


To start their new literacy unit on 'Film Narrative' Year 5 were set two tasks to complete. First they had to complete a comic strip based on some of the key events in their lives. Next they had to compose music to match the tone and setting of a silent animation using 'The Piano' app on the I Pads. Year 5 really worked hard on the tasks ~ we may have some budding composers for animations!!

Saturday 25 January 2014

Year 3 Control

As part of our computer control work, we had great fun this week pretending that we were controlling human robots. One person provided the instruction and the human robot had to follow them exactly with some surprising results! This was to help us to understand the importance of giving precise instructions when controlling computerized equipment. Next week we will work out a set of instructions for the Bee-Bots to follow.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Puzzle Club Sudoku

Last week in Puzzle Club we attempted to complete Sudoku Puzzles. This week Puzzle Club were set the challenge of making their own Sudoku Puzzle. Below is an example ~ Can you complete it? We will post the answer after our Puzzle Club next week. Remember the rules of Sudoku Puzzles are
  • Each horizontal row contains each digit exactly once
  • Each vertical column contains each digit exactly once
  • Each subgrid or region contains each digit exactly once
Did you know?
In Japanese, sudoku means something like "numbers singly".



Tuesday 21 January 2014

Year 5 enter the Space Dome!

On Monday 13th January 2014 Year 5 had a very special visit within a space dome!
We introduced our new topic of space by having a very special performance explaining to us all things that happen within our universe.
We were very luck to have an insight into what it would be like to live aboard the I.S.S (International Space Station), a massive x10000 zoom of many of the stars above us which look no bigger than a garden pea and finally we learnt all about how the Americans got to the moon and what plans have been made to finally send man back to the moon!
The children are currently writing a report on the space dome visit for the school radio station!
Simon Ould outside Space Odyssey's larger "Voyager" dome

Friday 17 January 2014

Year 4 - 'The Twits' play scripts.

This week we started to plan and write our own play scripts based on the book ‘The Twits’. We started the week by looking at characterisation and how the author makes good use of stage directions to tell the actor/actress what a character should behave like. We created a ‘role on the wall’ of Mr and Mrs Twit and looked at powerful vocabulary to describe them both. This then helped when beginning to write our own plays.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Coalway Junior in Paris

At last the photographs have cleared customs and come through! Now time to blog!
For the second time we visited the capital city of France and this year proved to be as action packed as the last visit!
We managed to visit The Montparnasse Tower with a lift that completes 56 floors in 38 seconds! The views from the top were fantastic and dare I say it.......better than the Eiffel Tower!
The river cruise was beautiful and lunch under the Eiffel tower was romantic- well as romantic as you can be with 45 children!
We experienced the usual fun with the on-site activities until a member of the group was attacked by a shark- it's a long story!

Aside from the fun with all that we packed in we still managed to visit the Christmas Market on the Champs Elysees- a stunning evening!
Of course the real reason why the head teacher really came was soon to be exposed!
A fabulous time!

Launch of Coalway Broadcasting Service

Coalway Junior School took to the airwaves  as we launched our very own school radio station, CBS - Coalway Broadcasting Service.  We produced a flawless and professional programme that contained entertaining and informative news packages. The broadcasting team ensured they targeted listeners, providing relevant content and school related issues. Listeners were also able to sing along to their favourite bands, including One Direction and some Christmas classics.
This will help the children  to develop their speaking and listening skills and write for a particular purpose and audience.They are also able to develop their ICT skills, recording and editing news packages. 
It has also been a wonderful experience for the children to work with students from Lakers and the ICT Team who have helped in the launch of our exciting new initiative.

Monday 13 January 2014

Learning French

Today, in Year 3, we began our first lesson of learning a new language. We had great fun learning how to say hello and goodbye to one another and how to tell somebody how we are feeling in French. We will now practise this each day as we answer the register.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Invasion Day

To begin our new theme Year 3 had an Invasion Day. We researched lots of information about the Celts to understand how they lived their lives, tried our hand at weaving and made Celtic round houses. We also completed some wonderful collages for display in our corridors and classroom.

Friday 10 January 2014

Year 4 art work

This week year 4 have been busy starting their new theme…. The Tudors! We started our theme by looking at chronology and then looked at the Tudor monarchs. We used collage materials to create portraits of the Tudor monarchs and Henry VIII’s wives.