Tuesday 21 January 2014

Year 5 enter the Space Dome!

On Monday 13th January 2014 Year 5 had a very special visit within a space dome!
We introduced our new topic of space by having a very special performance explaining to us all things that happen within our universe.
We were very luck to have an insight into what it would be like to live aboard the I.S.S (International Space Station), a massive x10000 zoom of many of the stars above us which look no bigger than a garden pea and finally we learnt all about how the Americans got to the moon and what plans have been made to finally send man back to the moon!
The children are currently writing a report on the space dome visit for the school radio station!
Simon Ould outside Space Odyssey's larger "Voyager" dome

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

It looks awesome I went on it last year and it was great hopefully you had a good time!