Tuesday 14 January 2014

Launch of Coalway Broadcasting Service

Coalway Junior School took to the airwaves  as we launched our very own school radio station, CBS - Coalway Broadcasting Service.  We produced a flawless and professional programme that contained entertaining and informative news packages. The broadcasting team ensured they targeted listeners, providing relevant content and school related issues. Listeners were also able to sing along to their favourite bands, including One Direction and some Christmas classics.
This will help the children  to develop their speaking and listening skills and write for a particular purpose and audience.They are also able to develop their ICT skills, recording and editing news packages. 
It has also been a wonderful experience for the children to work with students from Lakers and the ICT Team who have helped in the launch of our exciting new initiative.


callum said...

love listening to you broadcasts
cant wait till your next on wednesday

Charlotte said...

You great at broadcasting so excited to hearing your next one!