Friday 7 March 2014

Year 3 Visit Caerleon

As part of our Invasion topic, Year 3 visited the Roman remains at Caerleon. We had great fun  exploring the  primary sources and learnt lots of new facts about the way the Romans lived their lives.
Whilst we were there, we all took part in a role play activity, pretending we were either rich Roman people having a meal or the slaves who had to serve them their feast.
We also had the opportunity to visit the replica barracks where we sat on the uncomfortable bunks which were like those that would have been slept on by Roman soldiers. Everyone was also able to try on the lorica segmentata, which was the heavy segmented metal armour worn by the Roman soldiers.
It was a brilliant day and thankfully the rain stopped and the sun shone on us all afternoon whilst we visited the amphitheater and barrack remains.

Year 5 Free Verse Poems

During their unit on poetry Year 5 have been investigating, writing and performing their own poems. They all worked fantastically hard and this poem is written about water. Isn't it fantastic?
The Secret Creek
The giggles of the creek's little waterfall,
As they pour over the ledge,
It ripples and creates a bubbly white foam,
Splashing with laughter,
I often sit and watch this creek,
It's so peaceful and colourful here,
An enlightened soul I am when I leave,
And the waters as clear as can be,
Flowing free,
It winds through the rainforest,
like a transparent silky ribbon.
One day each drop will reach the mouth of the sea,
Consumed by the great blue blanket,
That glistens in the midday sun,
This creek is a fine place,
I leave with a joyful smile on my face.
By Lydia

Saturday 1 March 2014

Instruction Writing

In Year 3, as part of our Literacy work, we have been learning how to write instructions. We all wrote instructions on how to make a sandwich. To evaluate whether our instructions were easy to understand and whether we had included each step, our partner had to follow our instructions to make our sandwich for us. This had some quite amusing results!