Saturday 1 December 2012

Year 3 - Visit from Bat Man!

As part of our Forest Capers topic, Year 3 had a visitor into school on Friday to let us know all about bats. We learnt lots of information about these interesting mammals and how conservation is really important as different environmental issues have impacted on the species and now many types are endangered.
It was a really fun afternoon which even included dancing to the sounds of different bats!

Year 3 - Visiting Coleford

As part of our Forest Capers topic Year 3 visited Coleford to complete some science, geography and history work.

In history we have been looking at old phographs of Coleford town. To help us compare the past with the present day we looked around the town to identify how it has change over time.
As part of our geography work we also completed a traffic survey and thought carefully about why people might travel into town and what impact this could have on the environment.

In science we have been studying lots of different rocks so whilst we were in Coleford we looked at different buildings to see if we could identify any rocks that had been used and thought carefully about why they may have been chosen for that purpose.

Year 3 - Making Christmas Cakes

As part of our Literacy work, Year 3 followed instructions so that we could each make a Christmas cake for the Christmas Craft Fayre. It also helped us improve our weighing skills as we had to measure out all the ingredients too. All we have to do now is decorate them and then they will be a delicious present to buy at the fayre.