Wednesday 30 September 2009

Wow Maths!!

Luke and Emily in Class 8 have obviously been working hard at maths. Using their skills, that they have learnt through First Steps, they amazed Mr Barrow with their measuring ability today. They identified misconceptions to help other children in the class. Well done to you both. Keep up the hard work!

Monday 28 September 2009

European Language Day

Today we celebrated European Language day! We had over hundred children having a hot school lunch with a choice of foods from around the world: Spaghetti bolognaise, Frittata, Pizza, Sausage and mash, plus a number of different cheeses: Edam, Feta, Cheshire, Cheddar and a choice of breads: French stick, Croissants, Soda bread, Ciabatta!!!!
Thank you to all the dinner staff and all the children for a wonderful lunchtime experience!!
Year 5 recently had a visualisation session in the hall where they prentended they were child labourers in Victorian times working down a mine. They had to crawl through a small mine (a covered table) and could even smell the flame of a candle! They worked extremely sensibly and it created some amazing writing.
Here is Jack's from class 6 (Miss Frowen wishes she could write like this!!)

I sigh as I walk into a field of rain knowing I have to go to the mine to work. I see the huge black hole waiting for me to step in and I won’t be coming out for another 12 hours. I step inside and finally I’m out of the rain but this is worse than the rain. I start to open the doors but I have to dodge the cart which was coming at me as fast as a cheetah. My arms and legs went numb as I looked at a spider creep up a wall. I was as angry as a bull in a cage because the exit was just there but I wouldn’t be out for a while.
By Jack

Friday 25 September 2009

African Land Snails

Year 4 are looking after a pair of African Land Snails! The children enjoyed cleaning out the tank and feeding the snails with some apple and cucumber. They were all given the opportunity to hold the snails~ although a few declined the offer!!!

Eating a piece of apple!

Sunshine Group

The 'Sunshine Group' were all wide awake this morning having great fun before school even started! They were enjoying playing with a variety of circus equipment including: spinning plates, juggling rings/balls and diablos!!!

Very tricky balancing a plate on a stick!!!

Excellent diablo skills

Mrs.Timmins and Mrs. Hoare

Forest Celebration Day

On Friday 25th September, 12 year 5 pupils went to Beechenhurst Lodge for a 'Forest Celebration Day', an event organised and run by the Forestry Commission.

The day's aims were to have some fun and learn something new along the way!

The children were able to take part in 4 different sessions: Learning about birds with the RSPB, working using charcoal with the Dean Heritage Centre, camouflage activities with the Wilderness Centre and a tree trail with the Forestry Commission.

A great day was had by all!

Harry said “It was a great day and everybody got into the activities.”

“I really enjoyed going to Beechenhurst and the best thing was the camouflage!” said Imogen E

Kane said “It was a brilliant day out”.

Sinead said “It was a fantastic day. I enjoyed the RSPB activity”

As always, their behaviour was fantastic and were a credit to the school!

Thursday 24 September 2009

Year 4 visit The Cotswold Wildlife Park

The Meerkats were amazing!

The rhino was 40 years old~ sleeping in the sun

We found out that all zebras have an individual pattern.

The adventure playground was enjoyed by ALL!

Especially the slide!

Our group with the rhino in the background.

The year 4 children had a fantastic day at the Cotswold Wildlife Park. We listened to a talk about African animals and their habitats, and learnt about how animals are adapted to their surroundings. We had a lovely sunny day so we were able to have a picnic in the park and also had time to play on the adventure playground(who can you spot in the photos?)!!

The children were a credit to the school~ outstanding behaviour and very good manners which was commented on by a number of adults at the park. Well done year 4!
Mrs. Moore

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Class 3 Information Texts

Class 3 have completed some outstanding work on 'Information Texts' looking at different African animals. Well done to everyone for sensible use of the internet to research information and lovely presentation skills in putting it altogether as a page of information.


Welcome back to our friends

It is great to have the 'Open the Book' story-tellers back with us leading our Tuesday morning assemblies. We started the year off with the Creation story and look forward to further stories.

Monday 21 September 2009

Year 3 Blackberry Picking

This morning we had a lovely time walking into the woods to gather some yummy, juicy blackberries. It was great fun.
Later, we took them back to school and with the help of Mrs Ball, Miss Chandler and Mrs Timmins we made some lovely muffins for our parents to enjoy at school this aftertoon.
Did you like them?

Year 3 tea and cake afternoon

It was lovely to see so many people at our tea afternoon today. The blackberry and apple muffins were delicious, "better than they looked!" The year 3 children had a great morning collecting blackberries in the forest and then baking the cakes.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Maths Wizz in Year 6

I think we need a visit from Carol Vorderman - James in Class 7 is keeping us on our toes with his amazingly speedy mental maths!

Class 7 - French

In French we have been learning some of the phrases for the weather. We made up some actions for each. Can you guess which phrases we are miming in the photographs?
CLUE: We only used these phrases.
Il fait chaud, Il fait froid and Il fait gele.

School rooms, ferrets and carpet beaters!

Well, Year 5 have just returned back from a tiring but enjoyable trip to Dean Heritage Centre!! We are so proud with how wonderfully they behaved today and how well they represented the school.

We had a fantastic time sampling life as a victorian school child in the victorian classroom and learning about what homes would have been like for foresters during that period. Needless to say, we still managed to squeeze in some art work, shopping, Ferret walking (!) and a visit to the adventure playground!

Check out some of our pictures below -

Friday 11 September 2009

The end of the first full week! Year 4 have been busy looking at African silhouettes and painting their own. We used a watercolour wash background then added African images using black ink.

Cadbury World

We thought it would be the done thing to show you all what a tough life we have in Year 6!!!

Wednesday 9 September 2009


What a day we had yesterday! Up the M5 we went with the draw of chocolate dragging us all the way! Cadbury World was our destination...chocolate,chocolate,chocolate...have we mentioned chocolate yet???? Layoni was not sure about the visit as the thought of falling into a Wonka river scared her...thankfully she remained safe!! It was a fabulous day with the odd bit of chocolate being munched, all in the interest of education of course!!!
We cant wait to see what goodies come our way next- what a topic!!!!
Class 8

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Victorian thaumatropes

Yesterday we made a thaumatrope. A thaumatrope is a Victorian animation toy. To make one, you draw a picture on the one side of a shape and another one on the other side of a shape. For example, a flower and a vase. Next you cut out the shape and stick them together, the picture on the front the right way up and the other one upside down. Then you get a hole puncher and punch a hole on each side and thread a elastic-band through the hole

Then to make it work you grip the elastic-band and twiddle your fingers because its so fast it looks like the flowers on the front are in the vase on the back

By Ben H for Classes 5 & 6

Monday 7 September 2009

Magic Maths!!

Wow, its only Monday but already I've been blown away by Lauren Ruck! She has been working with Mrs Eggington this morning and her addition and subtraction has reached new heights!!! Amazing stuff- keep up the good work!!
Mr Barrow x

Friday 4 September 2009

Class 7 eat chocolate!

Hello, we are Class 7 and we have just found out what we are going to be learning this term. CHOCOLATE! We think that this is a fantastic theme and we can't wait to find out more about who invented chocolate, where it comes from and who spelt cacao as 'cocoa' all those years ago! We are really looking forward to our trip to Cadbury World next Tuesday. We will let you know how much chocolate we managed to eat on our trip next week!

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Hello and welcome to the new school year here at Coalway Junior School. As you can see, our I.C.T team have been busy over the holidays setting up blogging on our school website. Children's work will be on the site and we encourage you to look at your child's work and comment in a blog. We are hoping that everyone will contribute to the school through blogging.This is an exciting development which we are sure the children will love and hopefully everyone will want to get involved.
The website has been updated with new policies , curriculum newsletters etc. and we will be using both this site and the blog to keep you up to date.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Mrs White