Friday 25 September 2009

Sunshine Group

The 'Sunshine Group' were all wide awake this morning having great fun before school even started! They were enjoying playing with a variety of circus equipment including: spinning plates, juggling rings/balls and diablos!!!

Very tricky balancing a plate on a stick!!!

Excellent diablo skills

Mrs.Timmins and Mrs. Hoare


Coalway Bloggers said...

I think I may have to come and have some lessons!! I still can't get my diablo to work!!

Mrs Evans

JARRED.F said...

I want to play with a diablo but I can not

Miss Frowen said...

Please can I come and play next time??

Rhys W said...

We had so much fun playing with the circus skills. I also like the club because we all made friends

luke c said...

I like playing with the ribbons in Sunshine Club and I like making friends.

Oliver C M said...

The Blogs great!!

Rhys W C3 said...

If you look at the picture s carefully youll find little me s
just catching the 3m 46cm stunt.

Anonymous said...

jack jones looks very skilful with a plate.

Emily.H said...

You all look like you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Hannah loves sunshine club.