Friday 25 September 2009

Forest Celebration Day

On Friday 25th September, 12 year 5 pupils went to Beechenhurst Lodge for a 'Forest Celebration Day', an event organised and run by the Forestry Commission.

The day's aims were to have some fun and learn something new along the way!

The children were able to take part in 4 different sessions: Learning about birds with the RSPB, working using charcoal with the Dean Heritage Centre, camouflage activities with the Wilderness Centre and a tree trail with the Forestry Commission.

A great day was had by all!

Harry said “It was a great day and everybody got into the activities.”

“I really enjoyed going to Beechenhurst and the best thing was the camouflage!” said Imogen E

Kane said “It was a brilliant day out”.

Sinead said “It was a fantastic day. I enjoyed the RSPB activity”

As always, their behaviour was fantastic and were a credit to the school!


Emily said...

Hope you all had a really good day out.
And had some fun Year 5.

JARRED.F said...

hope you had a fantastic time year 5

Miss Frowen said...

Year 5 and Miss Frowen are very happy that you had such a fantastic day but are very jealous that we couldn't all go!!!We can't wait to hear what you got up to!!!

Emma said...

Wow that trip was amazing i wish that i could do it again.

Rhys W said...

hope you had a good time Wish i was there with you

nathan said...

i really enjoyed myself it was incredible.

Hannah S, Class 5 said...

I enjoyed the trip to Beechenhurst too !!!
I liked the RSPB activity because it was a creative activity about birds.