Tuesday 8 September 2009

Victorian thaumatropes

Yesterday we made a thaumatrope. A thaumatrope is a Victorian animation toy. To make one, you draw a picture on the one side of a shape and another one on the other side of a shape. For example, a flower and a vase. Next you cut out the shape and stick them together, the picture on the front the right way up and the other one upside down. Then you get a hole puncher and punch a hole on each side and thread a elastic-band through the hole

Then to make it work you grip the elastic-band and twiddle your fingers because its so fast it looks like the flowers on the front are in the vase on the back

By Ben H for Classes 5 & 6


Anonymous said...

i can rember making these.

Emily said...

lovely artwork

charlotte.g said...

lovely art work keep up the hard work:)