Friday 28 February 2014

Space Poems

Today in Year 5, as part of our Space theme, the task was simple ... recreate and remix our favourite songs. carols or nursery rhymes into a poem about the solar system! We all took turns to perform them to the rest of the Year 5 with some fantastic results.
Here is an example of today's work; written by Harrison and Ethan.

(to the tune of: what does the fox say?)

Mercury's 1st, lost its air
now it has no atmosphere
Next comes Venus, hot as toast
it feels like its gonna roast.
Third is earth, gravity
make sure we don't fly freely
but now were out of our home.

Were going orbital!
dizzy, dizzy, dizziness! (x3)
Were going orbital!
Heada, heada, headaches! (x3)
were going orbital!

Our neighbour, the red mars
is named by a chocolate bar
Fifth in line, Jupiter, colder than Venus by far
next around, Saturn's ring ..
Suddenly I see IQ

WE HAVE ALMOST FINISHED! To name the planets

Year 4 ICT using the Bee-Bots!

Year 4 had great fun on Friday afternoon using the Bee-Bots. In the lesson we looked at giving clear commands to the Bee-Bot and trying to group our commands into sequences. We worked in groups to investigate the sequence needed for the Bee-Bot to travel around a P.E mat and then designed our own treasure map for the Bee-Bot.

We had to test out our command skills by getting our classmates to a certain spot in the hall.

We looked at clear ways to record our commands for the Bee-Bot.

Our class tresure map.

Friday 14 February 2014

Oreos in orbit

This afternoon Year 5 learned about the phases of the moon which is quite hard to get your head round! There are 8 phases which have funny names, depending on where the moon is in it's orbit around the Earth. We listened to a rap to help us remember the phases and then we recreated the moon's cycle using Oreo biscuits! Finally, we ate our work! It was the tastiest science lesson we've ever had!

Thursday 13 February 2014

A Little Bit Of Baking!

Today, as part of our measuring work in Numeracy and our Instruction work in Literacy, Year 3  baked some Celtic oatcakes. We had to read the recipe and follow the instructions carefully and also measure the ingredients by reading the scale accurately. Great fun was had by everyone.

Friday 7 February 2014

The Jump Off and BHF Fundraiser

Today we skipped and wore red to raise money for the BHF. Each year group went into the hall and learnt the basics of skipping and entered competitions such as over the moon. The highest number of skips accumulated in the maximum effort competition was 210 without stopping!! We all wore red and saw some fantastic hair colours and skipped so hard our faces matched our clothes! At the end of the school day a cake sale was held and the cakes sold out very quickly. A big thank you to everybody that helped out today for this great cause. We will update you with the final total raised as soon as the money has been counted. Please look out in the local paper for some action shots of the children skipping.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Controlling the Bee-Bots

Continuing are work with control, Year 3 had great fun programming the Bee-Bots so that they would move in a specific shape. First we used the Ipads to help us understand what we would need to include in our instructions then we had to write a program to input into the robot. This helped us to understand the importance of writing accurate, clear instructions when controlling electronic devices.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

King Hal visits Coalway!

On Tuesday 4th February Year 4 of Coalway Junior School welcomed a very special visitor for the day. They were joined by ...King Hal. He spent the day with Year 4 teaching them all about the Tudors. They learned some very interesting facts. The children were involved in jousting games where the girls won the tournament, looking at crime and punishment where some volunteers were put in the pillory (including the teachers) and then listened to some Tudor music played by King Hal. The children and teachers had a great day! The children will now be writing up about the visit in their own newspaper reports in Literacy.

King Hal.
Our jousting tournament
King Hal showing us some Tudor music.

Mrs Aston in the pillory.

Our jousting tournament.

Our jousting tournament.

Winners of the joutsing tournament.