Tuesday 4 February 2014

King Hal visits Coalway!

On Tuesday 4th February Year 4 of Coalway Junior School welcomed a very special visitor for the day. They were joined by ...King Hal. He spent the day with Year 4 teaching them all about the Tudors. They learned some very interesting facts. The children were involved in jousting games where the girls won the tournament, looking at crime and punishment where some volunteers were put in the pillory (including the teachers) and then listened to some Tudor music played by King Hal. The children and teachers had a great day! The children will now be writing up about the visit in their own newspaper reports in Literacy.

King Hal.
Our jousting tournament
King Hal showing us some Tudor music.

Mrs Aston in the pillory.

Our jousting tournament.

Our jousting tournament.

Winners of the joutsing tournament.

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