Thursday 7 November 2013

Year 3 Dean Heritage Centre

Today, we visited The Dean Heritage Centre to help us understand how the way people live their lives has changed over time.
We had lots of fun doing Ma Meek's washing in the Victorian cottage, using the wash board and wooden dolly and had a good look around her kitchen, living room and bedrooms, noticing some interesting objects along the way!

We also developed our understanding of the life of a charcoal burner in the Forest of Dean and why they cooked the wood into charcoal.

Learning about the life of a child miner was also very interesting and made us realise that school is not such hard work after all!



Dilys said...

I really liked learning about
the olden days.

George said...

I loved my time at the dean heritage was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I realy loved the dean heritage centre!