Monday 26 September 2011

European Languages Day 26th September

European Languages Day.
Y6 worked together this afternoon. First they had to 'spot the celebrity' and then find the country they came from on a map of the world. Next the children sang a song to the tune of 'Is this the way to Amarillo' with colours in Spanish as the words. After this they looked at the work of Joan Miro, a Spanish artist and created work in his style using pencils, paint, chalk or collage. A fun afternoon was had by all.

Saturday 24 September 2011

In the Woods

Year 3 have had lots of fun walking through the woods to test their senses in order to inspire their Literacy work. We have been squelching through the mud (parents too!!), listening to the sounds and sights all around us. We had a fantastic time!

Friday 23 September 2011

Comenius Project

As part of the Comenius project Year 3 have been learning all about what makes a healthy mind and body. We drew around ourselves on to giant pieces of paper and then added all our ideas about what we believe keeps us healthy. Don't they look great?

16th September

What a great day Year 4 children had at The Cotswold Wildlife Park! Although the weather forecast was not good, the rain held off until the very end of the day and so we all stayed dry.

We saw so many different animals we almost lost count and learned so much about the animals from Africa.The talks by the Park Rangers were fascinating and gave us a lot to think about and look for as we made our way around the enclosures. Did you know that giraffe have black tongues? It helps to stop them getting sunburnt when they are eating.

As usual, the Meerkats were sooooooooooo popular - they didn't speak to us though! We all came away wishing we could have the next trip to the Masai Mara......what do you think Mrs. White?

Despite a few hiccupups on the way home (which involved the use of many plastic bags!) everyone agreed it had been an informative and magical day.

Thanks to Mrs. Martin for her hard work in organising it all and to all parents who accompanied us.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Making Cakes

Year 3 have been out in the woods collecting blackberries and baking delicious cakes for their parents to enjoy during Parent's afternoon at school. We hope they enjoy them. They look wonderful!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Year 6 Chocolate Creations

In preparation for our trip to Cadbury World on Wednesday 14th, class 7 have been writing about an object or place made entirely from chocolate and/or sweets. Read on for a couple of tasty examples of the creative writing we have produced.

Chocolate Smoothie Water Park – Kieran Squire
The chocolate smoothie water park is a non healthy swimming paradise. Even the water slides run with chocolate smoothie but if you’re a kid you ride with an adult gummy bear which you can eat at the end! Or if you just want to relax use one of our chocolate square relaxing floats. Terms and conditions, no fruit or vegetables and child - free entry!

My Super Sweet Home – Moiyah Jackson
Come to my mouth-watering home, entirely made from sweets and chocolate! Outside there are lolly pop trees and a pit full of marshmallows! The path to the house is made of tiny jelly bean like stones. Inside leads you to the kitchen. The taps are either hot chocolate or cool chocolate milkshake. Each room is the best place ever to me. There are pink fluffy candy-floss pillows, multi coloured huggable gummy bears and so much more! Come to my super sweet home!

Year 3 Drama

Year 3 have had a great time today working with Mr Clay. We have been inventing our own ideas in order to solve the mystery of 'Mr Thomas and the Baker's shop!'

Big Write!

Today we were learning how to write a set of clear instructions to make a Victoria Sponge cake. Mrs Griffiths tried to explain to Miss Allford how to make the cake. However, Mrs Griffiths was not using any imperative 'bossy' verbs! Fortunately, year 5 were on hand to help. The children thought of many imperative verbs to make a 'successful' cake! Well done Year 5.

Class 8 engaged with a 'Big Write' exercise this morning.

We walked around the school listening, feeling, smelling for the change of seasons from summer to autumn.

The children then wrote poems using some of the language we discussed and the inspiration from our walk.

Here is an example of just one of the poems.

Welcome to Year 4!

Well- what a lovely start to the school year! The children have settled in beautifully; producing good work in class and for homework. They seem to be very interested in our theme and are keen to discover all about Africa.
We already have some thrilling events lined up. We are visiting the Cotswold Widlife Park to learn more about African animals and habitats. The staff are very excited and we hope the children are too!
The year 4 children are also lucky enough to benefit from working with a drama specialist starting from next week. They have already met with Mr Clay and they will be exploring the theme of a "healthy mind and body" which is the title of the school's Comenius project.