Friday 29 January 2010

Run Forest (of Dean) Run!!

On December 4th 2009, George, James, Kieran, Jordan, Kirsten and Hannah from year 6 and Nathan from year 5, represented Coalway Junior School at Heywood School cross country event.

Here is a report of the event by James, who not only is a great runner but a brilliant reporter too!

"Everyone got warmed up and saw the track. Finally the race started with 67 girls and 66 boys. The boys were up first and many people rushed off but some fell back. Three quarters of the way through the first lap James managed to get into first place on the outside. A lap had gone and James was still in first and had Kieran, who was from Redmarley, chasing him down. With just 20 meters to go James had a great lead and he went to wrong way! The boy behind was sprinting as fast as he could but James just snatched the win! Nathan came 18th and Kieran finishing 20th.

Up next the girls. The only two Coalway girls were Hannah and Kirsten. The race started and both Kirsten and Hannah had a good start, they must have been 15th and 16th. All the way through the race the girls stuck together and finished the race in 37th and 40th. A big WELL DONE for everyone who competed in the races and helped to cheer on Coalway."

Thursday 28 January 2010

A Hamper for Haiti

Thursday 28th January we had a successful non-uniform day to raise money for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
Year 3 have made a chocolate hamper which they are raffling off to raise money for the appeal. Tickets are just 10p each and will be on sale until the end of lunch time tomorrow (Friday 29th). So get your money and buy a ticket or two - it's well worth the effort!
The draw will take place on Monday in Assembly.....

Caerleon Capers

Wednesday 27th January, Year 3 descended on Caerleon to visit the Roman Legionary Museum. We had great fun and we learned a lot! Mr. Jones introduced us to the gallery where we saw hundreds of artifacts from the Roman Occupation of Caerleon or Isca as they called it. You can see the model of a Roman Legionary in this picture. It was very impressive (and a bit scary).

There were so many things to see but the most popular was the skeleton of an old Legionary in a stone coffin!

We visited the replica barracks where 8 men lived in a tiny room, tried on some mini armour and also learned about school in those times. Girls were thought to be too stupid to go to school so only boys were educated. The girls lazed around at home!

One of the most exciting moments was when the alarm went off and we all had to go outside until it was safe to go back into the museum.

The baths were amazing but we certainly didn't like the idea of oil and a strigil to get clean - give us soap and water any day.

Outside we were able to see the remains of the real barracks - there were so many tiny rooms for the soldiers to live in. We even saw the latrines (toilets) and were suddenly very grateful for toilet paper.

Finally we visited the amphitheatre. WOW! What an exhausting time. We marched in line to trumpets and drums and fought like gladiators. Then we had to line up for the decision of our parents - who had fought well enough to live (thumbs up) and who was for the push (thumbs down)! We almost all survived... No wonder we look a bit tense! Next we did some Roman exercises and marching. Mrs. Egginton would make a great Centurian, she certainly made us get our knees up when we marched.

We all agreed we'd had a fantastic but exhausting day and had learned a lot. It was really sad when we had to get back on the coach and return to school - we wanted to stay a bit longer.
At the end of the day we had just one question -"Can we go again?"

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Homework superstars

Congratulations to all the children in this picture. They have been awarded ‘top homework’ books for terms 1 and 2. Some of these were chosen by a class vote and others by their class teachers. These homework books all show what great effort and hard work the children have put in, along with fantastically creative ideas to present their work. Each winner has been awarded a £5 gift voucher for their efforts.

Top Attendees!

All these children are holding bronze attendance certificates. This is because during terms 1 and 2, they did not have any time off at all! It is fantastic to see so many children receiving this award!

Keep watching to see who receives attendance certificates at the end of terms 3 and 4 – it could be you!

Monday 25 January 2010

Lower School Production

There is a rumour that the recent weather was a result of the snow songs sung during the Lower School Production! So here is a quick reminder of what a wondeful time we all had celebrating the different aspects of Christmas in our play.

Dancing elves!

Dad had problems with the Christmas Tree.

X-Factor Angels

Shouldn't those kids be in bed!

Singing about a white Christmas!

Elvis had the X-Factor

I wish that time could fly!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

School Closed

Due to the poor weather conditions school will be closed today - Wednesday 20th January 2010.

Thursday 14 January 2010

School Open

School will reopen tomorrow - Friday 15th January 2010.

School Closure

Due to the poor weather conditions school will remain closed today - Thursday 14th January 2010.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

School Closure

Due to the poor weather conditions school will be closed today - Wednesday 13th January.

Sunday 10 January 2010

School Open

School wil be open on Monday 11th January 2010 unless we have significant snowfall overnight.

Thursday 7 January 2010

School Closure

Due to the poor weather conditions school will remain closed on Friday 8th January 2010 .

Wednesday 6 January 2010

School Closure

School will be closed on Thursday 7th January. We will keep you informed about Friday.

School Closure

School will be closed today due to the snow.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Happy New Year!

Here is the first post in a new year and a new decade! We look forward to seeing you all again on the 4th of January when we start the spring term.
Keep checking back to see what new themes we are exploring and to see the wonderful work that is going on!