Thursday 28 January 2010

Caerleon Capers

Wednesday 27th January, Year 3 descended on Caerleon to visit the Roman Legionary Museum. We had great fun and we learned a lot! Mr. Jones introduced us to the gallery where we saw hundreds of artifacts from the Roman Occupation of Caerleon or Isca as they called it. You can see the model of a Roman Legionary in this picture. It was very impressive (and a bit scary).

There were so many things to see but the most popular was the skeleton of an old Legionary in a stone coffin!

We visited the replica barracks where 8 men lived in a tiny room, tried on some mini armour and also learned about school in those times. Girls were thought to be too stupid to go to school so only boys were educated. The girls lazed around at home!

One of the most exciting moments was when the alarm went off and we all had to go outside until it was safe to go back into the museum.

The baths were amazing but we certainly didn't like the idea of oil and a strigil to get clean - give us soap and water any day.

Outside we were able to see the remains of the real barracks - there were so many tiny rooms for the soldiers to live in. We even saw the latrines (toilets) and were suddenly very grateful for toilet paper.

Finally we visited the amphitheatre. WOW! What an exhausting time. We marched in line to trumpets and drums and fought like gladiators. Then we had to line up for the decision of our parents - who had fought well enough to live (thumbs up) and who was for the push (thumbs down)! We almost all survived... No wonder we look a bit tense! Next we did some Roman exercises and marching. Mrs. Egginton would make a great Centurian, she certainly made us get our knees up when we marched.

We all agreed we'd had a fantastic but exhausting day and had learned a lot. It was really sad when we had to get back on the coach and return to school - we wanted to stay a bit longer.
At the end of the day we had just one question -"Can we go again?"


Chloe Class7 said...

yaaay, it looked fuun
my sistaa said it waaas greaat


JARRED.F said...

i went there last year it was really fun wearing that armour it was extermly heavy

charlottte.G said...

it was realy fun last year hoope the year 3 had a good time like we did last year :)

robyn said...

That looks really fun i bet youu had a great time
xxxx :) from robyn

Emily.H said...

I remember going there last year. I hope Year 3 had a great time and the trip helped them with their topic :)

HANNAH E said...