Wednesday 27 January 2010

Top Attendees!

All these children are holding bronze attendance certificates. This is because during terms 1 and 2, they did not have any time off at all! It is fantastic to see so many children receiving this award!

Keep watching to see who receives attendance certificates at the end of terms 3 and 4 – it could be you!


Gina said...

WooW thats amazing !!

JARRED.F said...

No time off in terms 1 and 2 thats a really long time

Chloe Class7 said...

yaaay ! I cant belive i got one

Robyn x said...

They are amazing well done all of you :)

Charlotte.G said...

Wow Well done to all of you who got one !!(:

Alanah.h said...

well done all of you who got best homework books.

Emily.H said...

I wouldn't be able to do that.