Wednesday 14 October 2009

Aztec Chocolate!

Class 7 tasted Aztec drinking chocolate ... hasn't chocolate come a long way!


Emioly said...

What did it taste like?

benj said...

I think i would try out the dairy chocolate one but not that one

JARRED.F said...

i have never heard of that before

Gina Class 7 said...

Hahahah caught on camera kirst !!!

charlotte.g said...

ha i never heared of that before

Emily.H said...

I have never heard of that before. Maybe I should try it!

Anonymous said...

there should be a you ve been framed photo program this would definently win £250!

Anonymous said...

It is not nice at all believe me xx

millie said...

thats probbly not nice looking
at the photo.

Ginaa Class7 said...

It Was Horrible !! You Dont Want to try it Kirsten {Lol}

Hannah Kay Class 8 said...

KIrst that picture is priceless!!... did you like it???
I hated it the aztecchocolate but the modern drinking chocolate was ok.What is even funnier is that after that tasting day the chocolate stayed there and guess what....The chocolate went hard and grew hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But fortunatly for class 8 its gone now...PPPHHHEEEWWW!!!!!!!!!

Robyn said...

eww it was really HORRIBLE so u can see by kirstens face haha :) xx from robyn