Wednesday 18 December 2013

Our Ceiling Hangers

As part of our DT work, Year 3 created dream catchers and wind chimes. We designed our own creations and decided which materials to use and how to fasten them together. To help us recognise how they could be improved further we evaluated our own work  and also peer assessed each others' designs.

Woodland Walk

As part of our geography and history work Year 3 took a lovely wintery walk through the forest. This helped us to find evidence to help us identify how the forest is used today and how this has changed over time. Despite the mist obscuring our view, we still managed to identify lots of different things to support our ideas.We found evidence of coal mining, tram ways and we looked at both the old quarry and the site of the new quarry

Year 4 sing at the OAP Christmas lunch

Year 4 certainly have been busy with their singing voices this Christmas! On Tuesday 17th December Year 4 went to Forest Hills Golf Club to sing at an OAP Christmas lunch. They sang some songs from their Christmas production and sang some well-known Christmas carols too. Their singing voices were exceptional. Many people commented on how beautifully they sang and on their outstanding behaviour.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Year 4 Christmas Production 2013 - Cinderella and Rockerfella!

On Monday and Tuesday Year 4 delivered an enchanting performance of Cinderella and Rockerfella to the school, families and friends too! They were fabulous and performed incredibly well. Thank you to all of the families and friends who contributed costumes and came to watch the performance, we especially appreciated the help with the ‘BOOS!, HISSES AND HOORAYS!’. All of the children should be very proud of all their efforts – they did a fantastic job.  

'It's quite plain to see the shoe doesn't fit!'

'Cinders will go to the ball!'

Nasty and Gusty

Fairy Nasty Boots and Kitty

Year 4 preparing for the Christmas fayre

Last week Year 4 were busy preparing for the Christmas fayre. We made all sorts of treats! We designed Christmas cards and transformed photos of ourselves into elves! We also made Christmas pudding sweets and designed labels for them. We made salt dough and turned them into beautiful tree decorations and some of us made heart decorations too. What a busy week we had!   

Monday 2 December 2013

Making Christmas Cakes

Year 3 have been very busy making delicious Christmas cakes in preparation for the Christmas Fete on Thursday. After a busy day on Friday making 60 cakes, today we have iced them and they are now ready for sale. They look absolutely wonderful so don't miss out , they will make a lovely Christmas gift.

Year 3 Visit To Coleford

As part of our geography work, studying the local area, Year 3 visited Coleford. We drew our own maps of the town centre and carried out a traffic survey of the vehicles entering Coleford. Whilst we were in town we also considered the work we have been doing in history. We made lots of comparisons between life today in the town compared to the old photographs we have been studying, and identified lots of changes that have taken place over time.
Year 3 would like to say thank you to all the parent helpers who made our visit possible.