Friday 4 October 2013

Year 4 Harvest Assembly 2013!

On Wednesday 2nd October, Year 4 performed their Harvest assembly to the whole school and then performed it to parents and carers in the afternoon. This year our assembly was all about the history of the Harvest festival. We learnt some very interesting facts!
Year 4 did a super job of learning some very tricky lines and were fabulous when performing to the whole school.  

In our assembly we included some of the acrostic poems that we had written in R.E. Here are some examples that were read out in our assmebly:
H is for happiness for the food we eat,
A is for appreciation for the things we have,
R is for rain that helps the crops grow,
V is for the variety of fruit and veg,
E is for eating everything we grow,
S is for the sun that feeds our plants,
T is to say thank you for the farmers and God.

By Isobel Class 4
H arvest has begun,
A ll the farmers get together,
R ise and shine,
V egetables to pick,
E veryone sings,
S pecial food,
T he harvest has ended.

By Tyler Class 3
Donations of food this year were given to the Coleford Food Bank. They were very grateful to receive the food and wanted to say a special thank you to all those at Coalway who kindly donated.

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