Thursday 18 July 2013

End of Year Awards Assembly

And the winners are .......

House of the Year

All the children celebrated and congratulated the achievements attained by so many pupils.

The winning house team was a hard fought contest, all four houses being within a thousand points of each other.  The overall winning house was ... (drum role please)  OWLS! The trophy was collected on Owls behalf by Emily and Jordan - WELL DONE EVERYONE!

Sports Day trophy
Sports day was yet again a heavily competitive but fun day.  The children thoroughly enjoyed all the fun activities culminating in the ice lolly feast.  On this occasion the trophy was won by Falcons (see previous posts).

Attendance awards
We have had great attendance this year achieving more than 95%!  Well done everyone.

Seven of our children had 100% attendance for the whole year - a superb effort.  Harri was the lucky winner of the attendance draw and won an IPod Shuffle.

Peter Edwards trophy
A great honour for the recipient of this annual trophy.  This year that person was Millie - a super sportsperson in a range of events. Her determination, dedication and ambition to achieve is of the highest order. Peter would approve of having Millie's name engraved on his trophy. Well done.

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