Sunday 27 November 2011

Having a fabulous time in France

We are having a wonderful time in France. The children went up the Eiffel Tower and then went on their boat trip down the Seine. We have been very lucky with the weather. Beautiful sunshine yesterday so we have some fantastic photo's. Off to Disney tomorrow and then home Tuesday morning.

Love from the Coalway Crew in France XXXX


Mrs Howe said...

Glad you are all having a lovely time and the weather has been good. Great group photo even if it did take me ages to find Jack (with all the blue hats!!)

Alex McKenzie said...

Yeh Great School Photo Hope You Had A Brrrilllll Time In France See You When You Come Back
Alex McKenzie
Class 7

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful trip. The fog lifted just in time for us to get some fantastic views from the top of the Eiffel Tower, the French market was a delightfully aromatic experience and what can I say about Disney World other than 'what fun'. We had 63 children sitting down in a restaurant and without looking you would not have known they were there! The children were well behaved and polite, making the whole trip a pleasure. Thank you for making it such a joyful occasion. Mrs Simpson

Anonymous said...

Hope You had a fun, enjoyable time!

Emily.H said...

Looks like you all had a great time in France, the view from the Eiffel Tower looks absolutely beautiful...Hope Disney was fun!! Glad you're all back home though...

Missed Ya!

Anonymous said...

that looked fun

Anonymous said...

wow that looked fun

Alanah said...

i has soooooooooooooooo much fun i enjoyed disneyland best!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

The view from the eiffel tower looks fab! glad that you had great weather!The group photo is amazing allthough it took me quite a while to find my friends. Glad that you are all back safe and had a brill time!

chloe class 7 x

lara h said...

that looked alsome so jelous ....

lara class3

Anonymous said...

Wow u must have had a great time wish I was there :)


Ex pupil

james edwards said...

it was so cool i want to go again