Tuesday 1 November 2011

Skip For Fun

On Thursday the 20th of October we held a 'Skip For Fun' Day. Each child worked in a group of 3 and between them they had to skip for 20 minutes. The children soon realised that this was a really long time to skip for!!

We saw a variety of skipping skills ranging from hopping, skipping backwards, long jump rop and skipping with a partner. All of the children completed the 'Skip for Fun' challenge and had fun in the process!!


Anonymous said...

I was one of the skipping leaders, some fantastic skipping moves from the children, great fun, (but very very very very tiring!!!)

chloe class 7 x

Mikki said...

I remember not wanting to do it as it was my birthday, but when I started doing it I found it really fun! By the end of it I was worn out, but it was worth it!