Tuesday 29 November 2011

Thank you Harry Tuffins!

Coalway Junior School Gardening Club have been really fortunate to receive a £350 donation through the Nisa Making a Difference Locally charity. This was presented to the club by the store manager of our local Tuffins store during asssembly.
This will be a great help and enable the Gardening club to grow a larger variety of produce as they can now afford to purchase a fantastic new green house.
Thank you so much.

Monday 28 November 2011

Year 3 Visit To Dean Heritage Centre

Year 3 had a super day visiting Dean Heritage Centre as part of their work on Forest Capers. We learnt what is what like to live in the Forest of Dean years ago and how this compared to life in the area today.

During our visit we took part in various different workshops; learning about the life of a miner, the life of a charcoal burner as well as visiting the Victorian cottage and the museum.
Once back at school we used this information to inspire our report writing and completed some fantastic reports on charcoal burning.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Having a fabulous time in France

We are having a wonderful time in France. The children went up the Eiffel Tower and then went on their boat trip down the Seine. We have been very lucky with the weather. Beautiful sunshine yesterday so we have some fantastic photo's. Off to Disney tomorrow and then home Tuesday morning.

Love from the Coalway Crew in France XXXX

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Skip For Fun

On Thursday the 20th of October we held a 'Skip For Fun' Day. Each child worked in a group of 3 and between them they had to skip for 20 minutes. The children soon realised that this was a really long time to skip for!!

We saw a variety of skipping skills ranging from hopping, skipping backwards, long jump rop and skipping with a partner. All of the children completed the 'Skip for Fun' challenge and had fun in the process!!