Monday 3 October 2011

Year 5 trip to the Black Country Museum

Year 5 had a fantastic day on Friday when we went to the Black Country Museum. We were taken back in time to the Victorians and learnt so much. We went into a house and were told that this would have been where a family of 13 would have lived, it was TINY! We experienced what it would have been like to work in a coalmine and were even taught by a Victorian teacher. We travelled on a tram, bought traditional sweets and shopped in the Hardware Store. A great day was had by all.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great day but a shame you weren't supporting the locality by taking the children to the Dean Heritage where they could have had a similar experience.

someone from coalway said...

Well done Year 5,, I heard you were all very well behaved!!

Anonymous said...

i love this trip especially the mine.

imogen edmunds said...

i'm not at coal way anymore. but i know it is amazing there. hope you all enjoyed it.

ryan class7 said...

if was sooooo much fun esspaciesly the mine the bakers train ride its funer than you could ever imagen