Tuesday 4 October 2011

Drama in Year 4!

The Year 4s have been working with Mr Clay from the Superstars Drama Company. The theme for their work has been "A Healthy Lifestyle". Can you guess what element of a healthy lifestyle each of these groups of children are portraying?


Anonymous said...

Well done year 4

Anonymous said...

we did so well on freeze frames!

Anonymous said...

we did really well on our freeze frames!

Anonymous said...

We had so much fun posing freeze frames!

Anonymous said...

well done year 4

kayleigh d said...

thhat was awsome thanks mr clay :)

Anonymous said...

looks like great fun year 4 :)

chloe class 7 x

Anonymous said...

that was really funny i wish we could do it again.

Anonymous said...

that was really fun i wish we would do it again.