Wednesday 5 October 2011

Year Four Harvest Assembly

Did you get to see the Year 4 Harvest Assembly? If not, then you missed a real TREAT! We all learned how important clean water is to everyone for a healthy life. Every time you flush the toilet, you use 9.5 litres of water, while people in Ethiopia only have 5 litres of water to use in a day. Another interesting fact is that only 3% of the water on earth is available for us to use! We certainly learned a lot.

The children sang a Harvest Samba and a traditional African song beautifully. They then explained how we can help other people across the world to live healthy lives by making a contribution to Water Aid or Seeds for Africa. This helps them not only grow healthy, vitamin rich vegetables and fruit, but to have clean water to drink. Have you filled an envelope with spare change yet? Please return your contribution to school - we have spare envelopes if you didn't get one.
Hope you enjoy our singing.

1 comment:

kayleigh davis said...

that was good but on our bench we sat on we got really siqshed :)