Friday 23 September 2011


16th September

What a great day Year 4 children had at The Cotswold Wildlife Park! Although the weather forecast was not good, the rain held off until the very end of the day and so we all stayed dry.

We saw so many different animals we almost lost count and learned so much about the animals from Africa.The talks by the Park Rangers were fascinating and gave us a lot to think about and look for as we made our way around the enclosures. Did you know that giraffe have black tongues? It helps to stop them getting sunburnt when they are eating.

As usual, the Meerkats were sooooooooooo popular - they didn't speak to us though! We all came away wishing we could have the next trip to the Masai Mara......what do you think Mrs. White?

Despite a few hiccupups on the way home (which involved the use of many plastic bags!) everyone agreed it had been an informative and magical day.

Thanks to Mrs. Martin for her hard work in organising it all and to all parents who accompanied us.


Anonymous said...

We had so much fun because there were so many different animals and so many things we didn't know about them before we went.

neve. class 3 said...

it was a long way there, but it was worth it! I had so much fun and my favourite animal was the zebra's !!!!

Anonymous said...

we all enjoyed it.

kayleigh e said...

i loved it
thank you mrs martin

Anonymous said...

i remember that trip it was wicked! Coswold wildlif park was fun... :)

Anonymous said...

it was great

Anonymous said...

wish i was their :)

kayleigh d said...

we had so much fun didnt we hope we can go their again

Anonymous said...

I wanted to see the Red pandas but my time to see them did'nt come because we ran out of time :(

Anonymous said...

Looks like great fun Y4, i remember when i went there.
... Chloe class7

Anonymous said...

it was awsome
kayleigh davis