Wednesday 2 December 2009

Coleford Christmas Lights

On Friday the Coalway Junior School choir had the honour of singing in the town centre at the turning on of the Christmas lights. Over 20 children turned out on a very wet and dark night to perform both modern and traditional Christmas songs. Despite the horrendous weather the children sang their hearts out to the crowd of gathered people. Gracie also bravely offered to sing a solo with Lauren supporting her on the chorus~ an outstanding performance.

Thank you children for working so hard to make this a truly memorable evening.


JARRED.F said...

it was really fun going to the christmas lights and seeing the chidren sing

Emily.H said...

It was a good lights service and it would be nothing without Coleway Choir!

Chloe Class7 said...

it went really well calway always makes everything better really
GREAT singing from teh choir!!


Mrs Shearer said...

You all did so well despite the weather. Well donex

rhys w class 3 said...

Unfortuneatly i missed it but by the looks of it you had a great time rhys c3

Anonymous said...

Sorry to have taken so long to comment but I think the children did fantastic in very adverse conditions. Well done.

charlotte.G said...

It looked like they had sang their hearts out and the lights was great with out them the lights would of not of been the best!

ALANAH.H said...

The christmas lights are really pretty but when evry body was watching me i felt enbarised.