Friday 27 November 2009


Year 4 were transported to Africa without even leaving the school grounds! The children were treated to a rotation of activities. We had a some very special visitors from Senegal to teach African drumming, dancing and singing. Mrs.Martin and Mrs.Howe cooked banana bread with the children and Miss Aston had the children drawing ancient African petroglyphs (rock art) on sandpaper.
The rest of the school were then treated to a performance of singing, dancing and drumming led by our visitors with the support of Mrs. Aston, Mr.Rodway and the whole of year 4. The teachers were so inspired by the music that they all came to the front and performed the dance (with a little persuasion)!
Thank you to everyone involved in this wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

we all had a wonderful day!-Mrs Martin

Hannah K Class 8 THE BEST CLASS BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

My day was brightened right up when we had a performance and it was so jolly both of the men looked very very happy and soo were we Me, Tasha and Layoni were making up little dances to this sensational music and what else I loved was that Mrs Aston and Mr Rodway were performing too we have such talented pupils AND staff in Coalway. As these men were performing for us I was gazing around and all I could see were happy faces and people tapping thier feet and swaying to the rythme I have to admit I was too!!!!!
I had a GREAT day and would love the men to come in to school again very very soon!!!!!!!!!!!
B.T.W. If you have any achievements you would like to see posted on the coalway Chronicle WAY BETTER THAN THE COALWAY CARROT MR BARROW!!! Then come and tell either Tasha of Hannah, Class 8 or Miss Frowen, Class
L.O.L. Hannah Class 8.xoxoxoxoxo

Emily.H said...

This was really fun to do I liked doing the drumming and dancing it was very tiring. The banana bread was fun to cook. The African petroglaphs were very exiting I loved drawing them. It was a good start to the weekend

JARRED.F said...

it was really fun making the banna bread and doing the african drumming and the dancing

Tania, Jack's mum said...

It was a really fantastic day, extremely well organised by staff and the children all seemed to really enjoy the different activities. The gentlemen from Senegal were so enthusiastic about their music, singing and dance. The banana bread tasted great definately will try to make some at home. The artwork done by the children was fantastic. It was a fun packed, exciting day and i was glad to be a part of it. Thanks x

Jack H said...

One of my best days in school ever. i really enjoyed everything we done especially the drumming and the singing that was my favourite

Mrs Dixon said...

A fabulous day! The drumming and dancing really made me smile! Well done everyone!

Gina Class7 said...

These guys were AMAZING! Me and Chloe were loving it. Me,Hollie and Kisten all wanted to get there autographs but they had all ready gone :(

Chloe Class7 said...

yeaaa it was a great day it was GREAT me and gina were making dancing to go with it and tehn we both ot layoni and tasha doin it it was really fun


Mrs Shearer said...

It was a fantastic day - I really enjoyed the music and, dare I say it, even enjoyed dancing!

rhys w class 3 said...

i loved it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jamie c said...

I thought it was really really good i want to do it evry day over and over again

charlotte.G said...

it was the best day ever dancing singing cooking and drawing it was realy fun!