Friday 20 November 2009

Mad Hatters Day!

In aid of Children in Need we all came to school wearing some rather interesting hats! As well as paying for non-uniform day Mrs Graves made some delicious Pudsey cakes and put them into one big hat for us all to buy.
Some enterprising children have been selling bookmarks, posters and bracelets to raise money for Children in Need. We will put some more pictures on and let you know our final total as soon as we can.
Thank you to everyone for supporting our fund raising activities.


JARRED.F said...

it was really fun wearing weird hats

Chloe Class7 said...

It was really fun day with everyones mad hats and some hats were amazing

charlotte.g said...

WOW look at all of them funny hats hahaha

Madison Foxwell said...

I loved joesph pink furry hat it was well cool.

Emily.H said...

I loved wearing that hat it was so funny when my birthday singing hat would go off in the middle of the day!

Madison P said...

Mad hatters day was the bet day ever!
But it was a bit sad when Mrs.Moore
wasent here though and i did like Mrs.Shearas trousers because they was
well funky!

Hannah K Class 8 the best class by FAR!!!!! said...

I know wasn't it a gr8 day we had loads of fun and the cakes were lush!!! Josh P's hat was amazing the guiness 1 I reckon his head hurt by the end of the day!!!!!!!
:):P :D

jamie c said...

it was really good and i wore a guinness hat it was really fun