Thursday 24 September 2009

Year 4 visit The Cotswold Wildlife Park

The Meerkats were amazing!

The rhino was 40 years old~ sleeping in the sun

We found out that all zebras have an individual pattern.

The adventure playground was enjoyed by ALL!

Especially the slide!

Our group with the rhino in the background.

The year 4 children had a fantastic day at the Cotswold Wildlife Park. We listened to a talk about African animals and their habitats, and learnt about how animals are adapted to their surroundings. We had a lovely sunny day so we were able to have a picnic in the park and also had time to play on the adventure playground(who can you spot in the photos?)!!

The children were a credit to the school~ outstanding behaviour and very good manners which was commented on by a number of adults at the park. Well done year 4!
Mrs. Moore


JARRED.F said...

that was fun i liked going down the slide

Emily.H said...

I had a really good time. I hope the rest of my class mates did to. I had fun going down the slide.

Jack H said...

Really enjoyed the day - my favourite part of the day was the Reptile House - it was cool

Tania Howe said...

I was lucky enough to accompany the children on the trip and we all had a fab time - the lovely weather was a bonus - the children were so well behaved - my favourite part of the day was walking through the Lemur enclosure

JL said...

Gosh I wish I was a year 4 child! You seem to be doing some amazing things, this trip looks brilliant.

Rhys W said...

I liked that trip It was good
my favourite part was the 5m off the ground treehouse and i went down the slide it was freaky but i got used to it.

amf said...

my son had a great time, the best part of the day was seeing the meer cats he wanted to bring one home.

Lauren W said...

I really enjoyed the trip, I would like to go again. My favourite bit was going down the fast, windy slide.

BEN J said...


Anonymous said...

Very pleased to see all the children very happy.