Monday 16 September 2013

Happy Puzzle Company

Today, every year group had a maths thinking session with the Happy Puzzle Company. Year 5 wrote reviews and Taylor's has been chosen to be displayed on the blog.

Taylor's review
On Monday the 16th of September Dan from the Happy Puzzle Company came to our school. He played fun games with us so we could help an imaginary man called Nathan Bolt escape from Logic Island. We had to put his cargo on his ship by balancing it and we had to move rocks by placing them in a digger carefully. Also, we had to crack a code to win the key for Nathan Bolts helicopter using a cypher. We all cracked the code and he escaped in a helicopter.
We had to show great teamwork working in groups to help him escape. I would give it 9 out of 10 because it was fun and helped us develop our teamwork. 

All of the children enjoyed the challenges set for them and worked very hard without realising they were actually doing maths!!!

1 comment:

emily said...

nice review taylor it was so fun