Sunday 29 September 2013

Can you guess where Year 6 ended up on Wednesday?

It really was a tough trip but we decided to tough it out! We even left on time as Mrs Chandler went by other means. We collected Mrs White a little later due to the usual Gloucester traffic but we soon made it.

We entered the tour by going back in time and learning more about the Aztecs and then the birth of the Cadbury vision. We were entertained and informed by real life actors and some rather clever 3D films. The 4D experience was also great fun!
We were given chocolate due to our super behaviour, Mrs White was actually given extra or at least that was her explanation! The chocolate sculptures were fabulous and were almost too good to eat.....well almost!

As always the children behaved fantastically well and were commended by the staff at the factory. To top it all off not one sick bag was used!


callum said...

it was realy great fun i enjoyed every minute of it.

Charlotte C8 said...

This trip was excellent I really enjoyed and the chocolate was so scrumptious. I loved it!!