Wednesday 26 June 2013

Our visit to SPP Pumps

 On our visit we had a tour around SPP Pumps. Laura showed us around the factory and all the pumps. The red pumps were for putting out fires, the blue ones for just pumping water (flooding) and last but not least the green one is for everything, these can also come in other colours.  When we saw the engineers on their computers they introduced CAD (this stands for Computer Aided Design). CAD took the place of the engineers making proper technical drawings with pencil and paper.  Now because of CAD, the process is much quicker as the information can be sent directly to the machines downstairs that make the model.

 We went upstairs to have some biscuits and squash and were given a challenge.  The challenge was to build a tower made from paper, masking tape and nuts and bolts.  The tallest and strongest would win.  It had to hold first a packet of jammy dodgers, then an SPP pump water bottle and lastly a can of Pepsi.  WE WON! Our design was equal first but we won because ours was the cheapest to make (used less parts).  It was an amazing experience.  Written by J, N, O, B, and K - Y5 children

1 comment:

callum said...

looks realy fun wish i could go !!!