Wednesday 20 February 2013

Cross Country

A cold day but the children ran superbly!  Inclines and declines did not deter their drive and determination.  They all agreed that it was both exhausting and exhilerating at the same time.  There was even a battling sprint finish from Henry and Olly!  This is the last cross country for this year as only the top six can go through to represent the district.  The Y5 runners in the team have had a taste of what is expected and will hopefully represent Coalway Juniors again next year along with a new group of children from the current Y4's.  Well done team, it has been a thrill to watch the effort and perseverance from all of you, not just today's race but previous races as well.  Mrs Simpson


Anonymous said...

good job rhys and finnhisHai

Lara said...

Well done everyone you all done very well !!

Emily said...

That was really hard

amber said...

it must off been tyring out for you i wouldn't of done it myself.

Mikki said...

Good Job! You really had a go!

Nicole said...

Nice try!You did great

Anonymous said...

Super job! Keep up the good work!!!

Charlotte said...

You must of been very exhausted after that! It looked like you tried your hardest.