Friday 29 June 2012

Year 3 Visitor

Year 3 had a special visitor today. As they have been learning all about 'The Good Life' Mrs Ball brought her lamb April in to visit them. They learnt all about the reasons why she had been hand reared and they were able to hand feed her. She was a very lively little character - even trying to follow them back into the classroom to take part in their literacy lesson!

Year 3 - Measuring

As part of their work on capacity Year 3 had lots of fun estimating and measuring different amounts of water. They calibrated different containers, estmated how much different containers would hold and accurately measured different amounts in millilitres and litres.

Year 3 - The Three Counties Show

As part of their Good Life topic Year 3 visited The Three Counties Show. They had a great time looking at the different events. They enjoyed learning about different aspects of farming such as watching sheep being sheared, blacksmiths at work as well as having a go at milking.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Malawi Olympic Visitors!!

During the year 2 mini olympics today, organised by their year 5 buddies, Coalway Junior School had some very, very important visitors!!
During our arts festival Mrs Waite organised for year 4 to enter their art work into a competition to have their work displayed for the Malawi Olympic team. We were lucky enough to have Joyce and Carlton, who will be competing for the Malawi Olympic team for swimming, come into school to have a look at the mini olympics afternoon and to say hello to all the children. They even took part in a small game of rounders with the year 6 children!
Joyce and Carlton with their olympic trainer.
This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to meet Olympic athletes. If you want to support and cheer on Joyce and Carlton they will be competing on the 1st of August the 2nd of August. A big thankyou to Mrs Waite and the fantastic year 4 art work that made this possible.

Year 2 and Year 5 Olympics afternoon

The year 5s have been working very hard during their 'Olympics' theme to plan a mini olympics afternoon for their year 2 buddies. This afternoon year 2 came down and competed against each other in the games the year 5s had designed and the year 5s even treated their year 2 buddies to an olympics opening and closing ceremony!! Everybody had fun and everybody took part. Congratulations to Greece who were the winning year 2 team and a big well done to the year 5s for organising such a great afternoon!!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations - by year 4

To celebrate the diamond Jubilee we made hats, bunting, kites and had a barbeque.  We also wore red, white and blue clothes to school.
Before our barbeque Chris (Mrs Graves) played the national anthem on the tuba.  After we flew our kites, then we all went into the hall and had a talent contest. 

At the end of the day we were given a bookmark and a medallion to commemorate the queen’s diamond Jubilee.