Sunday 6 February 2011

Coalway Chess Club is up and running and pupils are having great fun leaning how the different pieces move around the board. The league will be starting soon and there is some great competition ahead. Good luck to all who are taking part but remember, the most important thing is to learn the game and have fun!


Millie said...

Wow that lookes fun!

hannah xxxxx =] said...

coooooooooooool xxxx

britney said...

i is fun i do it. :-D

britney said...

it is fun.i play soooo impressed with my self getting a badge and a mascot. wooooooooo go me. ha ha ha.

Alanah hopkinson said...

i liked playing chess it is a shame it is not on anymore thank u mrs cartwright for giving up your time to do the chess club.

Alanah hopkinson said...

i loved playing chess it was really fun.