Thursday 9 December 2010

On Friday 3rd December Year 5 experienced real Victorian School lessons from reciting poems and singing hymns to writing on chalk boards and reading from the Bible. The children were under strict rules: they were not allowed to speak, fidget or even put their hand up! Some children even got punished and had to wear the 'D' hat at the back of the classroom. A fun afternoon was had by all, although it was slightly scary!


Jack H said...

i really enjoyed the victorian afternoon miss allford was very strict. It was good fun glad school not like that all the time

Alanah.h said...

I loved the victorian day i was a little bit naughty so i had to stand at the back of the class facing the other way wearing ad hat.well the others were writing boring sentences.

Mrs Howe said...

What a fun afternoon....I am sure the children enjoyed it loads but I guess they are glad that school is not like that anymore. Well done Miss Allford and Mrs Moore you played the part of a victorian teacher brilliantly

Anonymous said...

I remember when I had victorian day! It scared out of my wits!

Rhys said...

I wish I was there!!

Mrs. Turley said...

It was funny looking at those photos!

Millie.S said...

It was very fun. Ooops I was a bit naughty. I had to wear the D hat. But I was lucky I didn't have to do as much work.

Anonymous said...

i was naughty when i did it we had to write sentances down because i was laughing at the teacher....

imogen said...

I can remember doing that it was so scary.( A year 6 pupil.)

courtney said...

hi this is me courtney i have left coalway now but i still liked the victorian day mrs vale wisperd in to mine and sains ear and said you are very good.

miss evans said...

we did that.last year hope u had fun also Mrs moare had my poncho on.

megan H said...

that was amazing

Anonymous said...

That was fantastic. Mrs Moore was amazing at acting a victorian teacher!
... Chloe class 7