Thursday 11 November 2010

A weekend away! PGL

The year 5 children have had a wonderful time at Liddington PGL. Everyone, even the teachers, faced many challenges and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The children were an absolute credit to both the school and their parents~ their behaviour was outstanding and the teamwork was amazing!


Anonymous said...

Well done to everyone involved in this trip!

Coalway Staff said...

A great weekend!
From all the staff.

Mrs Howe said...

It was a lovely peaceful weekend!!! Huge big thanks to all the teachers/teaching assistants for taking the children for this wonderful experience. Jack had an absolute fabulous time. He loved the Climbing Wall best. It was a bonus that he came back with very little voice

Jack H said...

It was a amazing weekend my favorite was the climbing wall and the zip wire.I was very tired but had great fun

Rhys said...

P.G.L was great and this is what my parents thought. On Saturday Night Grannie and Grandad were freaked out by the silence.While me and the rest of the gang were having a disco how cool is that!!

This is what i bought

-P.G.L T-shirt 2XL
-a cup
-a mood ring
-a P.G.L ball
and something else

I liked the zip wire , Aeroball,Archery and the dorms
I was G61

The worst bit was on Saturday night when the fire alarm went off and I got so scared I was sick!! Oops!!!!

Emily.H said...

I really enjoyed PGL it was so fun!!! My 3 top activities was the giant swing, zip wire and abseiling. I would definetly go again!!!

Jarred.F said...

It was a cool weekend at pgl

Mrs Turley said...

When I was talking to Rhys he told me about his really good time . It's very true that I got freaked out by the silence.

Mrs Dixon said...

Lovely to hear you had a great time year 5. It's a shame I missed seeing you all having so much fun!

e.hobman said...

i remember when i did it did you have fun

Anonymous said...

i reamember that last year.

you are doin' a lot of things year 5


DSimmons said...

I remember when I went to PGL in Marchants Hill it was GREAT!!! Hope you all had a good time