Wednesday 24 November 2010

Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate and more Chocolate!!!!!!

Crunchie hot chocolate
Poppin' Delight
Yummy ~ Rolapple (Apple wrapped in melted Rolos)
Today, year 6 made their own chocolate product! After weeks of planning they created some very interesting and tasty chocolate products. The children were then able to taste and evaluate these tasty treats! Year 6 will be making their own cookbook to sell at the Christmas Fayre and Productions ~ keep an eye out for it!
Well done to year 6 for being so inventive and for being extremely sensible when making their chocolate product. They were all amazing!!


Mrs.Moore said...

Not happy! Why were these made on the day that I was out of school with the choir?!!! You will have to make me some of my own. They all look delicious.

Anonymous said...

i can remember doing that last year it actully was amazing i hope you all enjoyed it(:

gina(ex coalway pupil)

Mrs Dixon and Baby Noah. x said...
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e.hobman said...

we had great fun making it and all of them were nice.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhh i loved the partner was at sing up so i had to wait till friday.i could not wait.

by britney

DSimmons said...

It was AMAZING!!!

Alanah.h said...

wow lokes nice cant wait till i am in year six get to eat chocolate!!!!!!! yum!.

Millie.S said...

Mmm that looks yummy. Wish I did that. It makes my mouth dribble just looking at the photos. Cant wait till im in year 6.

Imogen said...

It was so fun making the chocolate. I had to wait until the friday because I was at young voices.

Anonymous said...

looks yummy! cant wait to make them next week!
chloe class 7