Wednesday 6 October 2010

Victorious Victorians!

Today year 5 visited the Dean Heritage Centre to help them to learn more about life during the Victorian times.

During their trip, they were involved in 2 workshops - One being the Victorian Schoolroom and the other, a Forester's Cottage, restored to what it would have been like during the Victorian times.

Here are some pictures from the day!
Meeting Ma Meek's pet, Curly Tail

Doing the 3 R's in the Victorian Classroom

Tackling the washing

A bit of Victorian schoolroom punishment - The back straightener!

Ma Meek's kitchen - where's the oven and fridge?

We even managed to sneak a trip to the museum, shop and playpark!


Well done year 5 - you behaved brilliantly!


Jarred.F said...

It was fun at the Victorian school my back hut when i come out from sitting up so straight

Mrs.Moore said...

Thanks Mrs.Dixon for organising the day. I have learnt some excellent teaching techniques!

Jack H said...

i loved the day my best bit was the victorian school. I'm glad school is not like that now

Mrs Dixon said...

I will be ordering the canes and back sraighteners soon Mrs Moore!!

Madison P said...

What a fantastic day i had, i loved the bit where we went to the vuctorin school!
I am so glad that the schools are not like that nowaday's, phewwww!!!

Mrs Dixon said...

Or straighteners even.... oops!

Anonymous said...

The fire in the kitchen looks just right for cooking a piece of toast. Those were the days. Looks as if it was a very interesting and fun day.