Monday 20 September 2010

Treasure Island

Mrs.Cartwright dancing with a pirate!

On the 20th September a theatre company called M and M came to do a play for us called Treasure Island. I thought it was really good because there were only 5 actors and they played all the different characters in the story. I found it amazing how they could get changed so quickly and also how they changed the backgrounds for each of the different scenes. I liked the character Jim Hawkins because she was a really good actor and had lots of words to learn.

I would love for them to come and do another play for us here at Coalway because they were BRILLIANT!!!!
Millie Walker


Emily.H said...

I liked watching Treasure Island. It good how the changed the scenes and clipped them on. How clever was it that they only had 5 actors! One lady had 3 parts. I would like to see them again.

meg said...

well done that is amazing!

meg said...

that amazing!

Jarred.F said...

I loved to watch this play thanks Mrs White

molly t said...

I like reading with my buddy.

kane said...

it was the best ever, i would like to watch it again!!!!!!!!!!!!

E.Hobman said...

that was out of this world and ausome and love to see it again
but the year 4 missed it.

Anonymous said...

just so cool

Milky Toocashj said...

I liked it.
It was a fun thing. i loved it verry realy mutch.
... Milky .

Madison P said...

That treasure island play was astonishing!

My favourite character was Long-John Silver. I liked him because, his voice was brilliant and loved how he pretended to have one leg.

Thank you to the Treasure Island crew!!!!!!!!

Charlotte.G said...

it was amazing ! i thought they told the story well :) And there was only 5 of them !