Sunday 4 July 2010

Year 4 Water Aid Afternoon

Crocodile Raffle Hook a duck

Jellies for sale Pin the fish on the rod

Surf book marks

The Year 4 children have been learning about the importance of clean water and how some countries do not have clean water. They decided they wanted to raise money to help the charity WaterAid. The children discussed ideas for games and stalls related to water. They then made jellies and bookmarks to sell at the fund raising event. It was a great success and the Year4 would like to thank all the children and parents that came and took part in the fun! The total raised was an amazing £182 !!!!!

It is true, that by the time you have finished reading this blog, another child will have died from drinking dirty water~ this is why we decided to support this charity.


Mrs Dixon said...

Well done year 4. Not only did we have a great afternoon, it was all a very worthwhile cause. You should be very proud of yourselves!

Mrs H said...

Lovely afternoon Year and your teachers must have worked really hard in hosting the Water Aid fantastic that you managed to raise £182

Emily.H said...

I had fun at the WaterAid afternoon. It was great fun making the bookmarks and jelly! I can't believe we raised £182 for WaterAid, everyone put in a great effort.

JARRED.F said...

It was really fun doing the wateraid afternoon i done the stall with tom we were doing the crocidile raffle

JARRED.F said...

Too bad i wasn't there but i would of been very scared if i was gracie